Item No.
Bachelor of Engineering
Computer Engineering
Second Year with Effect from AY 2020-21
Third Year with Effect from AY 2021-22
Final Year with Effect from AY 2022-23
(REV- 2019 ‘C’ Scheme) from Academic Year 2019 – 20
(As per AICTE guidelines with effect from the academic year 20192020)
Sr. No.
Title of the Course
Fourth Year Engineering
( Computer Engineering)
Eligibility for Admission
After Passing Second Year Engineering as per
the Ordinance 0.6243
Passing Marks
Ordinances /
Regulations ( if any)
Ordinance 0.6243
No. of Years / Semesters
8 semesters
P.G. / U.G./ Diploma / Certificate
(Strike out which is not applicable)
Yearly / Semester
(Strike out which is not applicable )
New/ Revised
(Strike out which is not applicable )
To be implemented from
Academic Year
With effect from Academic Year:2021-2022
Dr. S.K.Ukarande Dr Anuradha Muzumdar
Associate Dean Dean
Faculty of Science and Technology Faculty of Science and Technology
University of Mumbai University of Mumbai
Item No.
Syllabus for Approval
To meet the challenge of ensuring excellence in engineering education, the issue of quality needs to
be addressed, debated and taken forward in a systematic manner. Accreditation is the principal
means of quality assurance in higher education. The major emphasis of accreditation process is to
measure the outcomes of the program that is being accredited. In line with this Faculty of Science
and Technology (in particular Engineering) of University of Mumbai has taken a lead in
incorporating philosophy of outcome based education in the process of curriculum development.
Faculty resolved that course objectives and course outcomes are to be clearly defined for each
course, so that all faculty members in affiliated institutes understand the depth and approach of
system enables a much-required shift in focus from teacher-centric to learner-centric education since
the workload estimated is based on the investment of time in learning and not in teaching. It also
focuses on continuous evaluation which will enhance the quality of education. Credit assignment for
courses is based on 15 weeks teaching learning process, however content of courses is to be taught in
13 weeks and remaining 2 weeks to be utilized for revision, guest lectures, coverage of content
beyond syllabus etc.
There was a concern that the earlier revised curriculum more focused on providing information and
knowledge across various domains of the said program, which led to heavily loading of students in
terms of direct contact hours. In this regard, faculty of science and technology resolved that to
minimize the burden of contact hours, total credits of entire program will be of 170, wherein focus is
not only on providing knowledge but also on building skills, attitude and self learning. Therefore in
the present curriculum skill based laboratories and mini projects are made mandatory across all
disciplines of engineering in second and third year of programs, which will definitely facilitate self
learning of students. The overall credits and approach of curriculum proposed in the present revision
is in line with AICTE model curriculum.
The present curriculum will be implemented for Second Year of Engineering from the academic year
2021-22. Subsequently this will be carried forward for Third Year and Final Year Engineering in the
academic years 2022-23, 2023-24, respectively.
Dr. S.K. Ukarande Dr Anuradha Muzumdar
Associate Dean Dean
Faculty of Science and Technology Faculty of Science and Technology
University of Mumbai University of Mumbai
Incorporation and Implementation of Online Contents
fromNPTEL/ Swayam Platform
The curriculum revision is mainly focused on knowledge component, skill based activities and
project based activities. Self learning opportunities are provided to learners. In the revision
process this time in par     scheme wherever possible additional
resource links of platforms such as NPTEL, Swayam are appropriately provided. In an earlier
revision of curriculum in the year 2012 and 2016 in Revi  
efforts were made to use online contents more appropriately as additional learning materials to
enhance learning of students.
In the current revision based on the recommendation of AICTE model curriculum overall credits
are reduced to 171, to provide opportunity of self learning to learner. Learners are now getting
sufficient time for self learning either through online courses or additional projects for enhancing
their knowledge and skill sets.
   culties of all the institute are required to motivate and encourage
learners to use additional online resources available on platforms such as NPTEL/ Swayam.
Learners can be advised to take up online courses, on successful completion they are required to
submit certification for the same. This will definitely help learners to facilitate their enhanced
learning based on their interest.
Dr. S.K.Ukarande Dr Anuradha Muzumdar
Associate Dean Dean
Faculty of Science and Technology Faculty of Science and Technology
University of Mumbai University of Mumbai