Cedarville University Disability Services
Documentation Requirements for Academic Accommodations
for Mental Health Disabilities
Consideration for academic accommodations through Cedarville University Disability Services
requires registration through electronic application (Cedarville.edu/disabilities) as well as the
submission of verifying documentation that substantiates and describes the impact of the
disability. The documentation must clearly demonstrate that the student’s mental impairment is
substantial (in accordance with the definition of a disability under federal law), that the
impairment causes a limitation on the student’s functionality, and that there is a distinct
relationship between the limitation and the accommodation request.
Requirements: Psychological Testing
The student should provide a current diagnostic report that details the results of a psychological
evaluation process, typically a psychoeducational or neuropsychological evaluation. Testing
should provide a current picture of the impact of the disability (generally 2-3 years). The
complete evaluation should be designed to include the appropriate combination of tests that will
clearly define the student’s diagnosis and delineate the functional limitations of the disability.
Because of the changing nature of mental health conditions, the report should be no more than
one year old. The evaluation must be conducted by a credentialed, licensed professional such
as a psychologist, a psychiatrist, or a neurologist who is qualified to administer such
assessments in adolescents and adults.
The diagnosis of a disorder or submission of an evaluation does not automatically qualify a
student for accommodations. The report must support the student’s request for specific
accommodations in order for the accommodations to be considered. While recommendations
made by the evaluator are not binding, they are helpful for thorough consideration of the
student’s accommodation request. The name, credentials, and contact information of the
evaluator must be clearly specified on the letter or report that details the psychological
assessment results.
Documentation that is incomplete, does not fulfill the stated requirements, or does not support
the student’s accommodation request will delay the process until adequate documentation is
Psychoeducational evaluationA testing and assessment process designed to target mental functioning in relation to academic
ability. The assessment is designed to evaluate an individual’s intellectual ability and academic achievement. Can assess cognitive
ability, information processing ability, executive function, concentration, memory, focus, and emotional and behavioral functioning.
Neuropsychological evaluationA comprehensive evaluation that includes tests and psychological assessments to evaluate how
the brain functions in relation to learning and behavior. Can measure abilities in areas such as reasoning, academic skills, memory,
attention/focus, executive function, problem-solving; can assess mood disturbances, social-emotional or behavioral functioning, and
neurological conditions.