Cedarville University Disability Services
Documentation Requirements for Academic Accommodations
for Learning Disabilities and ADHD
Consideration for academic accommodations through Cedarville University Disability Services requires
registration through electronic application (Cedarville.edu/disabilities) as well as the submission of
verifying documentation that substantiates and describes the impact of the disability. The documentation
must clearly demonstrate that the student’s impairment is substantial (in accordance with the definition of
a disability under federal law), that the impairment causes a limitation on the student’s learning process,
and that there is a distinct relationship between the limitation and the accommodation request.
Requirements: Educational Testing
Students with a learning disorder or ADHD should provide a diagnostic report that assesses aptitude and
measures academic achievement, typically categorized as a psychoeducational evaluation. The results of
the psychoeducational evaluation should be outlined and clearly explained, providing specific evidence
pointing to a learning disability or ADHD diagnosis. Documentation should provide a current picture of the
impact of the disability (generally 2-3 years). addressing the student’s functional limitations and
symptomatology within an academic setting.
The diagnosis of a learning disorder/ADHD or submission of an evaluation does not automatically qualify a
student for accommodations. The student must supply a report that provides evidence of the disability,
demonstrates the need for accommodations because of a learning disability or ADHD, and supports the
student’s request for specific academic accommodations. While recommendations made by the evaluator
are not binding, they are helpful for thorough consideration of the student’s accommodation request. The
name, credentials, and contact information of the evaluator must be clearly specified on the report that
details the assessment results.
If a student was on an IEP in high school, a re-evaluation (MFEmulti-factored evaluation or ETR
evaluation team report) that was accomplished within the last one year of high school may be an
acceptable form of documentation. The evaluation must conclude a diagnosis based on educational
testing and must demonstrate the need for academic accommodations. It is important to note that IEPs
do not apply to higher education. All students who plan to pursue academic accommodations because of
a disability are required to follow the process of registering with Disability Services and providing
appropriate documentation in support of their academic accommodation requests.
Documentation that is incomplete, does not fulfill the stated requirements, or does not support the
student’s accommodation request will delay the process until adequate documentation is obtained.
Psychoeducational evaluationA testing and assessment process designed to target mental functioning in relation to academic ability. The
assessment is designed to evaluate an individual’s intellectual ability and academic achievement. Can assess cognitive ability, information
processing ability, executive function, concentration, memory, focus, and emotional and behavioral functioning.
Multi-factored Evaluation/Evaluation Team ReportAn educational evaluation that includes testing, observations, and interviews for the
purpose of determining whether the student has a disability and is eligible for services under an individualized education plan (IEP).