King Abdulaziz University
English Language Institute Mr. Samir M’Rabet
Rabigh Campus
Faculty of Sciences & Arts Groups : B_ 4
Academic Year : 2009-2010 / Second Term
Conditional Sentences / If - Clauses Type I , II and III
A. Conditional Sentence Type 1:
It is possible and also very likely that the condition will be fulfilled.
Form: If + Simple Present >>> Future (= will + bare infinitive)
Example: If I find her address, I’ll send her an invitation.
Exercise :
Complete the Conditional Sentences (Type I ) by putting the verbs into the correct form.
1. If you (send) …………………….this letter now, she (receive)……………………………… . it tomorrow .
2. If I (do)……………………… this test, I (improve ) ………………………………. my English.
3. Peggy (go ) …………………………… shopping if she (have) …………………………. time in the afternoon.
4. Simon (go) ……………………………. to London next week if he (get ) ……………………… a cheap flight.
5. If they (study / not ) ………………………..harder, they (pass / not ) ………………………... the exam.
6. If it (rain ) ……………………. tomorrow, I (have to / not ) ………………………………water the plants.
King Abdulaziz University .. Rabigh Branch. . Academic Year :1430-1431 / 2009-2010. .Mr. Samir M’rabet.. Groups : B _4 .GRAMMAR..
B. Conditional Sentence Type 2 :
It is possible but very unlikely, that the condition will be fulfilled.
Form: if + Simple Past >>> Conditional (= would + bare infinitive)
Example: If I found her address, I would send her an invitation.
Exercise :
Complete the Conditional Sentences (Type II ) by putting the verbs into the correct form.
1.If I ( be ) ……………………rich, my life ( change ) ……………………… completely.
2.I ( invite ) …………………………..all my friends if ( have ) ……………………….. a house by the beach.
3.If we (have) …………………a yacht, we (sail) ……………………… the seven seas.
4.If they (tell) ………………………… their father, he (be) ………………………very angry.
5.We (help ) ………………………… you if we (know ) ………………………
6.My brother (buy ) ………………………….a sports car if he (have ) …………………the money.
C. Conditional Sentence Type 3 :
It is impossible that the condition will be fulfilled because it refers to the past.
Form: if + Past Perfect, Conditional II (= would + have + Past Participle)
Example: If I had found her address, I would have sent her an invitation.
King Abdulaziz University .. Rabigh Branch. . Academic Year :1430-1431 / 2009-2010. .Mr. Samir M’rabet.. Groups : B _4 .GRAMMAR..
Exercise :
Complete the Conditional Sentences (Type III ) by putting the verbs into the correct form.
1. If you (study ) ………………………… for the test, you (pass ) ……………………………it.
2. If you (ask ) …………………………me, I (help ) ……………………………………you.
3. If you (speak ) …………………………… English, she (understand) ……………………… ………………… .
4. I (write ) ………………………………………… a postcard if I (have ) …………………………….. your address.
5. If it (not/ start ) …………………………… to rain, we (walk ) ……………………………… the museum.
6. If she (take ) …………………………. the bus, she (not / arrive ) ……………………………… ……………… on time.
Answer Key :
Exercise 1:
1. send / will receive
2. do / will improve
3. will go / has
4. will go / gets
5. don't study / will not pass
6. rains / will not have to
Exercise 2:
1. were / would change
2. would invite / had
3. had / would sail
4. told / would be
5. would help / knew
6. would buy / had
Exercise 3:
1. had studied / would have passed
2. had asked / would have helped
3. had spoken / would have understood
4. would have written / had had
5. hadn't started / would have walked
6. had taken / wouldn't have arrived
King Abdulaziz University .. Rabigh Branch. . Academic Year :1430-1431 / 2009-2010. .Mr. Samir M’rabet.. Groups : B _4 .GRAMMAR..